Follow us and HELP spread the message
The more we talk about sexual abuse, the more we can reduce the stigma and demonstrate the scale of the problem. Crucially, spreading the message helps survivors learn that HELP is here to support and advocate for them – and helps others learn how to protect themselves, their families and their community.
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4 ways to stand against sexual abuse
Want to make a tangible difference in reducing New Zealand’s horrifying sexual abuse statistics? Here are four ways you can take action and have your say…
Give feedback to the police
If you’ve experienced sexual assault, you can give feedback to the police about your experience of the process – or why you didn’t report it to the police at the time – by completing a short, confidential survey here.
Get involved with Te Aorerekura – a national strategy
Te Aorerekura is the government’s national strategy to end sexual violence and family violence. If you’d like to be included in consultations about the strategy, send your contact information to
Contact the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence
Hon Marama Davidson is leading the Te Aorerekura strategy for New Zealand. You can email her to let her know what you think at, and follow her on Instagram to see what she’s doing to create change.
Join an activist network
Many survivors and supporters want to take action to raise awareness, educate our community and advocate for others.