“HELP supported me through counselling over five years ago. I felt heard and was able to express my thoughts and frustration during this time. HELP supported me to navigate through a difficult historical abuse court case within my extended family.

My motive for speaking out at that time was to break the cycle in my family and to keep my daughter and nephews safe from the sexual abuse ever happening again.”

Ann, Survivor

Ann and her daughter

Your impact

You’re changing lives. Every day

Every single day, we support more survivors just like Ann, and their whānau, through our crisis support, education, advocacy and prevention services. Last year, your support enabled us to help:


survivors and families were supported across our range of services.


crisis support sessions were provided to survivors by our crisis team.


therapy sessions were attended to help survivors heal from sexual abuse.


hours of face-to-face court support were provided by our justice team.

Other ways to HELP

HELP Auckland and Flox bag shop.
The Good Registry HELP Auckland page.
Rewardhub HELP Auckland page.
Community Power HELP Auckland page.